

2014年7月,在金满集团创始人 - 陈欲利先生不断寻求突破的想法下,好伙伴冷冻食品在柔佛州新山市诞生了。好伙伴冷冻食品主打保鲜,可收藏及便利的概念,让食客们随时随地能够品尝到新鲜美味的包点及点心。除了品质保证之外,好伙伴也重视包装设计,让形象更鲜明,让品牌更标新立异。此外,好伙伴冷冻食品的企业标语是:【领鲜之家】。顾名思义,好伙伴的企业目标就是要把最新鲜的产品提供给大众。

目前,好伙伴冷冻食品的业务已经遍布全马(西马+东马),并且在每个州属都有当地著名的企业伙伴进行对接配合,让好伙伴的产品变得更广泛,更值得信赖。好伙伴冷冻食品近几年更是计划把品牌和产品推广到香港, 澳门, 新加坡和印尼等国家,这也是让好伙伴冷冻食品迈向向国际品牌踏出的第一步。

Best Partner Frozen Food Brand Story

Best Partner Frozen Food is the largest frozen buns and dim sum brand in Southern Malaysia and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kim Man group.

In July 2014, Mr. Ding Ee Lee, the founder of Kim Man Group founded Best Partner Frozen Food as a part of his product and market diversification plan for his steamed bun and dim sum business in Johor Bahru.

Best Partner's business concept focuses on freshly frozen products with a long shelf life which are tasty, ready-to-eat. Steamed buns and dim sum are conveniently available for customers to enjoy anytime, anywhere.

The Best Partner brand differentiates from others in its superb quality, outstanding packaging and strong brand identity. It brands itself as “The Leading Brand of Freshness” to reiterate its brand promise of quality and freshness.

Best Partner frozen products are found at all states in West and East Malaysia. Through the efforts of our strategic partners and distributors, Best Partner frozen products have extensive presence in the nation and has become a trusted brand of frozen food.

Moving forward, the management is identifying the right partners to export Best Partner Frozen Products to Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Indonesia in their strategy to build Best Partner into an international brand.
